Dumbbell plots

ggplot Beginner dumbbell plots

Before and After Changes with Dumbbells.

Soundarya Soundararajan true

One of the ways to represent before and after changes is using dumbbells

Lets jump into it.

library(ggalt) # for the dumbbells

We will work on the ChickWeight dataset for today. We will explore how much the chick weights changed from baseline to day 10 grouped by the 4 diets.

And we will create something like this

Lets create the dataframe of interest.

There are many time points of data available for weight, we choose day 0 and day 10 for simplicity.

We need the day 0 and day 10 weights in separate columns to make things easier, so we use pivot_wider from the tidyr which is a part of tidyverse library.

Cut me the chase and take me to the final plot

Create the dataframe


# this is how to filter only the two times of interest
ChickWeight %>%
  filter(Time == 0 | Time == 10) %>% 
  rmarkdown::paged_table()# to avoid the entire dataset beimg displayed, i add pages

Note that it is not saved as a dataframe yet. I will describe the steps one-by-one.

pivot wider

ChickWeight %>%
  filter(Time == 0 | Time == 10) %>% # after filtering, we group them
  group_by(Diet, Time, Chick) %>%
    id_cols = c(Diet, Chick),
    names_from = Time,
    values_from = weight, names_prefix = "time_"
  ) %>% 

Now we shall summarise the weight info and create the dataframe

summarise mean

df <- ChickWeight %>%
  filter(Time == 0 | Time == 10) %>% # after filtering, we group them
  group_by(Diet, Time, Chick) %>%
    id_cols = c(Diet, Chick),
    names_from = Time,
    values_from = weight, names_prefix = "time_"
  ) %>%
  mutate(wtdiff = time_10 - time_0) %>% # we add a difference column
  group_by(Diet) %>%
    mean_0 = mean(time_0),
    mean_10 = mean(time_10, na.rm = TRUE),
    mean_diff = mean(wtdiff, na.rm = TRUE)
# A tibble: 4 × 4
  Diet  mean_0 mean_10 mean_diff
  <fct>  <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>
1 1       41.4    93.1      51.5
2 2       40.7   108.       67.8
3 3       40.8   117.       76.3
4 4       41     126        85  

Now time for plots!

Initiate the dumbbells

For the dumbbells we need to specify what the x and xends are, here we need the baseline weight to be on the left and day 10 weight on the right.

ggplot(df) +
      x = mean_0,
      xend = mean_10,
      y = Diet

We got the coordinates right, now time for some tweaking.

Improving the dumbbells

We are adding size and colors for the dumbbells

p <- ggplot(df) +
      x = mean_0,
      xend = mean_10,
      y = Diet
        # size and color of the connecting lines

    size = 1, color = "#676875", alpha = 0.5, 
        # size and color of the left half of the dumbbell

    size_x = 5, colour_x = "#F51F18", 
    # right side of the dumbbell
    size_xend = 5, colour_xend = "#1E4CE8"
  ) + 

How about we add the legends?

Mark the legends

We need to mark the legends at only one place, so we will filter the data.

p <- p + geom_text(
  data = filter(df, Diet == 4), # if you need the labels at diet 1, tweak accordingly
    x = mean_0 + 6,
    y = Diet,
    label = "Baseline weight"
  color = "#F51F18",
  vjust = -1.5 # this is vertical justification for the labels
) +
    data = filter(df, Diet == 4),
      x = mean_10 - 8,
      y = Diet,
      label = "Weight on 10th day"
    ), color = "#1E4CE8",
    vjust = -1.5
  ) +

  theme(legend.position = "none")

Let’s up our game by adding the differences which we already have in our df

Add a column of mean difference

p <- p + geom_label(
  data = df,
    x = mean_10 + 7,
    y = Diet,
    label = str_glue("{round(mean_diff,0)} kg")

Lets add axes titles and captions

Final Plot

p + labs(
  x = "Mean Weights of Chicken",
  caption = "Difference in weights are given in text boxes"

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For attribution, please cite this work as

Soundararajan (2021, Aug. 17). My R Space: Dumbbell plots. Retrieved from https://github.com/soundarya24/SoundBlog/posts/2021-08-17-dumbell-plots/

BibTeX citation

  author = {Soundararajan, Soundarya},
  title = {My R Space: Dumbbell plots},
  url = {https://github.com/soundarya24/SoundBlog/posts/2021-08-17-dumbell-plots/},
  year = {2021}